Booking Terms and Conditions
The following terms and conditions applies to customers who, directly or indirectly, have entered into agreement with Outdoor Support in Ulricehamn according to the booking confirmation. The agreement may concern accommodation, transportation of luggage, purchase of other services, or a combination of these.
Booking is made through a form at the website or though e-mail to We will register your booking and send a booking confirmation with a booking number and payment details per e-mail or post, as long as the information is complete and valid. The booking is binding for both customer and Outdoor Support as soon as the confirmation is sent in writing. The terms and conditions are valid directly regardless of time and amount of payment.
If the booking is made though the website, the payment of the whole amount will be made at the time of booking, through debit/credit card. If the booking is made through e-mail the customer will get sent an invoice for the whole amount. Payment must be received no later than 14 days before the start of the trip. In case of non-payment, the booking will be void and the customer is charged according to the conditions of cancellation, see below.
Cancellation and rebooking
Cancellation is made through e-mail at and must contain conformation number or invoice number. The cancellation cannot be made directly to suppliers or anyone else connected to the packages and is only valid after conformation from Outdoor Support. Cancellation fees according to the terms and conditions can be seen below. The fee for rebooking of date or package is SEK 350/person.
Cancellation fees
The following cancellation fees applies:
- Earlier than 15 days before the start of the trip: 10% of the total amount, but no less than SEK 500.
- 14 – 2 days before the start of the trip: 50% of the total amount.
- 1 day – day of arrival: 100% of the total amount.
Booking age limit
The age limit for entering an agreement with Outdoor Support is 18. For group bookings there must be at least one person aged 18 or above. Identification is made at arrival.
General Terms and Conditions
Responsible organizer
Responsible organizer: Outdoor Support in Ulricehamn, telephone +4670-277 53 64, organization number 600326-5623, approved for F-tax.
Suppliers: Organizations offering services to the organizer, for example food and accommodations.
As an organizer, we are required to:
- Provide the customer with necessary information
- Inform the customer about changes in the booking
- Pay the suppliers for the services the customer has bought
- make sure the services are according to description.
We are not responsible for promises from suppliers or suppliers contacts made directly to the customer without our knowledge or for products outside the service description bought directly from the supplier. (If you as customer have an arrangement with the supplier that is not included in the organizers agreement, make sure to have it in writing and signed by owner or contact personell).
We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions according to law and price changes that are beyond our control.
Travel guarantee
When buying a package from Outdoor Support in Ulricehamn, you are protected under the Travel Guarantee Act through Kammarkollegiet.
Luggage transportation
When leaving luggage with Outdoor Support, there must be no valuables, such as money, jewelry, cameras etc, kept in the luggage. The customer is responsible for keeping valuables safe during the trip.
In case of unforeseen events
If for some reason the organizer or suppliers are unable to fulfill part of, or all of the travel arrangements, and if no equivalent compensating arrangement is available, the customer may cancel. Outdoor Support will repay the customer for the trip with deductions for (if any) the parts of the trip was fulfilled according to agreement. In case of sudden cancellation of transportation or event included in the package, repayment is made only for the cancelled event or transportation. Complaints must be brought to our attention no later than 3 days after arrival. Any errors or shortcomings happening during the trip must be reported immediately. This is made to Outdoor Support firstly or to the supplier in question secondly. If the customer has not reported errors during the stay and therefore not made it possible for the supplier to right them, they may not demand compensation later.
If the customer is still not satisfied with the compensation, they must contact Outdoor Support in writing no later than 30 days after departure. Any complaint made after this is not taken into account.
The customers rights and obligations
The customer is obliged to verify the booking conformation as soon as obtained. If the customer has not received a conformation they must contact Outdoor Support at or telephone at +4670-2775364. Any errors must be conveyed immediately.
The customer is responsible for the cycling and other activities during the trip, except if anything should occur due to product failure of rental bicycle.
The same responsibility applies towards hotels and other providers as for privet travels.
If any of the services included in the packages is unsatisfactory or not accurate, the customer is asked to contact us immediately so that we may have a chance to make it right (see in case of unforeseen events above)
In case of dispute
The customer is asked to first and foremost contact us in case of any complaints (see in case of unforeseen events above).
In case of a dispute we refer our customers to The General Complaints Board. It consists of an impartial chairman and representatives of trip organizers and consumers. The consumer adviser in your home municipality can help you. If possible, the complaint should be made during the stay. If you as a customer make complaints that are justified, Outdoor Support must immediately take measures to find a suitable solution.
Force Majeure
In the event that the trip cannot be carried out due to events beyond the organizer’s control which the organizer could not reasonably be expected to have anticipated when the agreement was concluded, and whose consequences they could not reasonably have avoided or overcome, the organizer is free from liability for damages or other penalties. The same applies even if the cancellation of the trip is due to someone hired by the organizer.
The Personal Data Act
By paying, the customer consent to personal data being processed by Outdoor Support. The purpose of this is to enable customary guest administration, to ensure that Outdoor Support has reliable personal documentation in the event of an accident, to fulfill the conditions for cancellation protection and to administer and treat any damages. You may also be contacted by Outdoor Support for follow-up and market research.